Fluid Mechanics Lab Demonstrations
MEC516/BME516 has four hardware labs, which now run in-person. These are the online versions of these labs.

Lab 1: Measurement of Dynamic Viscosity (15 min.)
The measurement of dynamic viscosity of oil using a commercial viscometer and the falling spheres method based on Stokes flow.
YouTube Video
The measurement of dynamic viscosity of oil using a commercial viscometer and the falling spheres method based on Stokes flow.
YouTube Video

Lab 2: Reynolds Apparatus and Pipe Friction (15 min.)
Visualization of the laminar and turbulent flow in a glass tube. This lab includes the measurement of the pressure losses in a pipe using an inclined manometer.
YouTube Video
Visualization of the laminar and turbulent flow in a glass tube. This lab includes the measurement of the pressure losses in a pipe using an inclined manometer.
YouTube Video

Supplemental Video for Lab 2: Flow Visualization in a Pipe (8 min.)
This video discusses the Reynolds Apparatus. The video shows flow the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a round pipe using the Reynolds apparatus. Flow is laminar for approximately Re<2300.
YouTube Video
This video discusses the Reynolds Apparatus. The video shows flow the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a round pipe using the Reynolds apparatus. Flow is laminar for approximately Re<2300.
YouTube Video

Lab 3: The Impact of Jets (9 min.)
This lab involves the measurement of the impact force of a water jet on a target. The measurements are compared to predictions from theory momentum conservation principles on a control volume (covered in Chapter 3).
YouTube Video
This lab involves the measurement of the impact force of a water jet on a target. The measurements are compared to predictions from theory momentum conservation principles on a control volume (covered in Chapter 3).
YouTube Video

Lab 4: The Venturi Flow Meter (5 min.)
This lab involves the measurement of flow using a venturi flow meter.
YouTube Video
Supplemental video for Lab 4: Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines:
YouTube Video
This lab involves the measurement of flow using a venturi flow meter.
YouTube Video
Supplemental video for Lab 4: Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines:
YouTube Video
Toronto Metropolitan University